If you are still curious about who I am and what I do, check out the eclectic collections of images below, which are based upon many of the themes and subjects that frequently re-surface in my work. I’ve also included some quirky, fun categories based on subject matter, and I will be updating this gallery frequently (check it out, you might have some fun!). Click on any word to open a gallery of images represented by that term; sometimes the collections of images are obvious and straightforward, others less so (hit the ‘BACK’ button to return to the Search Terms to select a different set of images).


Click a word to see the images!




The following are sets of images that summarize different facets of my work. ‘Views from Above’ are images captured wholly while flying helicopters, while ‘Personal Work’ is a set of images that I put together in 2019 as a sort of storyline. ‘Capturing Humanity’ focuses on the human side of travel, while ‘Boondocking’ gives a behind-the-scenes look at many of the locations I have traveled to since 2017, while producing the formal landscape portion of this body of work.






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