To The Utah Monolith Artist:
Whether you consider yourself artist or artisan, huckster or provocateur, in 2020 you have accomplished something singular. Out of the ordinary you’ve created wonder, shown us beauty, and inspired. You have drawn attention to our society’s impact upon the land, while perhaps inadvertently exposing our cultural ethos of ritualistically if not disingenuously destroying things we don’t agree with. More notably, you have demonstrated a level of patience that is now truly rare.
The location was perfect, I believe you chose carefully. The object was physically impressive, the attention to detail I believe to be both exceptional and intended.
My grandmother was a sculptor and I feel fortunate to have personally experienced the wonderment of what you offered us. Although it cannot possibly replace what was taken, I have something for you.
Please contact me via any means acceptable to you.

“I spent nearly the entire night photographing it as the light from the moon moved across the floor of the mini-amphitheater. In full moonlight, the object seems an incongruent oddity of shape and form, stark, blaring loudly the reflections and shadow from the harsh light of the nearly-full moon. Once fully shaded from the descending moon by the canyon walls, the object began to come to life.
Its stainless steel sides became subtle reflectors of the terrain and light around it, and I swear it seemed to almost glow. As the moonlight moved up the amphitheater walls, the reflections morphed into ephemeral, abstracted renditions of its environment, almost like looking at the reflection of a pond on a windy day, albeit in very slow motion. Once the moon set shortly after 0300, the metamorphosis of the object was complete, the illumination of which would not change until the sun began to approach the horizon, the start of astronomical twilight.
Whomever created The Monolith is pure genius, whether they knew it at the time or not. It is a nocturnal wonder, and at night its three sides are radiant, luminously and exquisitely reflecting the changing environment around it.”