These galleries presented below are separated into commonly-requested subjects, and are offered as a resource for clients trying to decide what selection of prints they want to obtain for their home or office space(s). Most of the images previously presented on this website are in the galleries below. All of these galleries allow you to make a selection of images from any single gallery, which can be saved as a reference:

To make your selection(s), enter ‘Gallery mode’ by clicking on an image; note that there is a ‘star’ icon in the bottom left corner by the thumbnails. Click this ‘star’ to select image(s), and when you are done, click the “Make Selection(s)” button at the bottom of the page, then enter your name and email address. This will make a new sub-gallery where you can view only your selected images, and will forward the IDs to me. Please see the Prints page for information on ordering.



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