5/28/18: Finally a Family White Rim Trip!

After doing several laps of the White Rim both solo and with mountain biking friends, I finally got the opportunity to host my own family for a 4-day MTB trip! Due to so many recent trips, I think the Park Service is starting to get suspicious that I’m running (photo) workshops out here, as we ‘ran into’ several Park Rangers, one of whom seemed particularly inquisitive as to whether or not I was ‘guiding’ the group. In my three prior trips I had not seen a single Ranger, and after my Spring Break/Jeep Safari Week experience in May I had submitted a feedback form describing the many interactions I’d had with poachers (i.e. people on the White Rim camping without a permit or backpacking in areas not permitted). For the record, to even drive on White Rim Road beyond the Shafer/Potash Rd. intersection you need a permit, and to camp you typically need to secure a backcountry vehicle permit 4 months in advance. The more rangers down there the better, as far as I’m concerned. 

Anyway, fortunately my son Reade finally got to experience Taylor Canyon in non-hurricane winds, and after a night at Taylor at the very end of this trip, Heidi admitted that she now understood why I keep returning to this particular canyon amongst the many other beautiful spots in and around Canyonlands National Park.


Airport Campground
Airport Campground by the full moon (Airport Tower at right)


Mtn. bikers cllimb Murphy Hogback, C.N.P., UT.
Reade and Reed bike up the north side of Murphy Hogback as dusk fades away, with reddish light of rising moon illuminating Soda Springs Basin, below (Candlestick Tower on right horizon).


Full rising, Taylor Canyon, Canyonlands N.P, UT.
Full moon rising beneath the horizon, Taylor Canyon, Canyonlands N.P, UT.


Clouds beneath the full moon, Taylor Cyn, UT.
A feast of late-night clouds beneath the full moon, Taylor Cyn, UT. [TerraLapse composite image]

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