Finally, a trip to Canyonlands during the new moon! I spent three nights at Taylor Canyon solo, a real treat… except for the myriad poachers trying to camp in areas they were not permitted for. One series was ruined by some backpackers camping right beneath Moses & Zeus, well outside of their permitted camping zone (“You must locate your campsite at least 1 mile from a road, and at least 300 feet away from an archeological site, historic site, or water source.”) Luckily they spent only one night, though I had interactions with others who wanted to camp right near my campsite even though they either didn’t have a permit, or should have been far from where I was, in my permitted campsite.
Despite all that, I had a great time and got some fantastic images, finally putting into action my new Landscape Capture Workflow, which enabled me to logically and sequentially capture multiple series of multi-image panoramas, from dusk all the way through to the rise of the Milky Way, which this time of year rises hours after midnight!