3/17/13: Comet Pan-STARRS composite

From one of the timelapse sequences from last week’s Comet Pan-STARRS shoot; sequence covers from 2008 to 2026 hours on March 13, 2013, images captured south of Santa Fe, NM using a Canon 5D MkIII with a 70-200/2.8L IS + 1.4x TCII, at 280mm.

I pulled evenly-spaced frames and composited them into a single image, showing the comet’s path down from the cloud to the ground. Key images adjusted for contrast prior to exporting from Adobe Lightroom, and then composited into a single Photoshop file. Laboriously. 🙂



Comet Pan-STARRS timelapse composite
Comet Pan-STARRS timelapse composite, 3/13/13

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jeff, this photo is beautiful and amazing.
    Excellent job! I liked the summary on the inside scoop. Thanks for sharing, Libby

  2. This would be perfect as a animated .gif image.
    they work great on browsers only (web sites)
    you have the pieces/part for animation.
    BUT, great as is, my comet image are single from Wickenburg AZ 60north/west of Phoenix
    from a desert mountain top.
    Great plan and nice PS work you did very good.

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